Thursday, April 1, 2010

Over The Shoulder

...But He was in the stern, asleep on a pillow. And they awoke Him and said to Him, Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing? Mark 4:38

There’s a multitude of us, like the disciples, that are ever ready to believe, to receive, and to commit to the works of the Lord; as long as we see Him moving, awake, and active in our lives right? Be it that we would “find Him asleep” though and all of a sudden our lives seemingly take on the perishing state of mind.
Is not the One who created the wind and the seas still as powerful “asleep” as He is “awake”? Must we have to see Him engaging in our every dire hour in order to believe in His power? As Jesus literally muzzled the storm that night, so might these questions muzzle one’s heart.
For even when days come where we tire, where we want to give up, and nothing seems to go right, God of angel armies, resting or working is still the same. All seemed like a perishing time that night with the exhausted Master laying sound asleep on a pillow. Yet He was still there; still with them, and the disciples feared they surely would drown.
This Gospel lesson touchingly displays both Christ’s deity and humanity on the Sea of Galilee then, yet still shows us His dominion and sovereignty even now. Even when life’s tensions and turmoil overwhelms and we fear that Jesus up and went to sleep on us down here; He is present so be of good cheer; trust He is near.
No, we have nothing to fear, little flock. For the Father has chosen to give you the kingdom; have no fear, little flock. Amen.

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